Saturday, August 25, 2012

Little Jess is getting Married

Little Jess is getting married. I have spent the morning making her bridal bouquet and bridesmaid bouquets.  She told us she was getting married at Christmas time of this year. Then it became next summer, because she could not afford it. Then suddenly it was on the 30th of this month. 
We have less than a week to put this shin dig together. I was a little confused at the sudden change of plans. The we have to do this now attitude, but no one wanted to ask her why? Why the change, why so soon? It turns out the Navy will not let him stay with her on base unless they are married. 
Yesterday was a crazy shopping day, 7 straight hours of non stop shopping. I am once again sick of looking at wedding stuff. It got that way after my own wedding. I think we managed to get everything thing. 
Little Jess is not traditional in any way. Instead of a unity candle, we are going to have a unity sand ceremony. This is really a neat idea. Especially since this will be outside. No more worrying about keeping the unity candle lit. 

 I am happy she is happy. I am supportive of her, because I know how it felt not to be supported when I made the choice to get married. Do I worry if she is not ready for this step, Yes. Do I worry that the man she is marrying is not ready, Yes. But you have to let them live their life. So I am crafting the day away. Come Thursday morning I will spend several hours blowing up balloons, it will be fun for all. I told Jess I would take pics, hubby is walking her down the isle. He teared up when she asked him. Of course that made me tear up. I only hope I do not cry too hard. I want  to see where I am shooting at. The camera that is. That did not sound quite right.

1 comment:

Mel said...


Congratulations to her and him.
But an honour for the both of you.
*laughing* And a heck of a lot of work.

I'm thinking you won't be bored!

Wow. The bouquet is beautiful.
And WOW.... *sigh* They grow up fast, huh.....