Monday, August 13, 2012

Play a Long

1. Post 11 random facts about yourself
2. Choose 11 deserving other bloggers
3. Let them know they have been chosen
4. Answer the 11 questions the nominator has asked
5. Now give 11 questions to the ones you have chosen.

I didn't get chosen, but I decided to play along anyway. I am not picking anyone either but if you want to play go ahead and answer my questions.

  1. When I was 8 I ran into a parked truck on my bicycle. I had a roll of thin mint girl scout cookies between the handle of the bike and the brake, and I was chasing a boy and not paying attention to where I was going. But I still swear to this day that truck was not pulled in his driveway. My face left an indention on that truck literally.
  2. There are days when I do not do a single thing all day but read and cook dinner for hubby, cause I gotta feed the man.
  3. I do enjoy having the occasional alcoholic drink, but I do not let myself drink every often because it has a pull on me that I do not like. There are too many alcoholics in my family history for me to take that chance. Plus I have an addictive personality on top of everything else.
  4. I love to munch on ice. Sonic has great ice, but there is a gas station in town that has sonic ice, but its twice the size. Yummy Yummy. Hubby will no longer buy me sonic ice cause I eat it instead of using it for drinks. 
  5. I love the smell of cinnamon. This scent is a reminder of Christmas, and home, and all things cozy. I use cinnamon smelling stuff all year round.
  6. I once got in a fight with one of my sister in laws. Yes a fist fight. She called a fat female dog one too many times. 
  7. I miss working in the casino. I do not miss the second hand smoke, but it was a fun place to work.
  8. I want to go back to school. I want to learn to be a professional photographer. I love being behind the camera. There is so much to know, to learn.
  9. I had no clue about how much I would miss my Dad. I really took it for granted when he was here. 
  10. I have horrible eye site. Mom got me my first pair of glasses when I was about 9. I did not know that the world had details in till I put on that first pair of glasses. Everything I saw were blobs. Mom told me before we went to pick up the glasses that she would wear her glasses (cause she got glasses also) and I would wear mine. She did not realize I would not want to take them off because I could see finally. She did not keep her end of the bargain.
  11. Coupons have helped me become more out going. I have long conversations at the grocery store with random people about coupons. Usually I do not like to speak to people I do not know. I am very shy. 

First, middle, baby........or only child?
I am the baby, but I was raised as an only child. My brother and sister are 13 and 11 years older than me.

What did/do you parent(s) 'do' to earn a living?
My Mom and Dad both a many different jobs, Mom mostly did warehouse work, as a shipping and receiving clerk. Dad was a maintenance man for years and then he made marble showers, sinks, and counters, then later in life he was a security guard. I called him and hubby imitation bacon.

What was your first 'job'?
A waitress at Golden Corral 

When was the last time you posted off a letter?
About two months ago. I really need to write my sister in law again. 

How many shoes are in your closet?
10+ This includes hubby's shoes

What's in the back seat of your car?
Nothing hubby is very very anal about the car being clean

What decorates the walls in your work space?
My work space is my home, so it depends what room I am in.

One thing you do well.
Read. I am a reading fool. I love nothing more than a good book, a cold drink( Dr pepper or sweet tea), and a long hot bubble bath.

One thing you do NOT so well.
Keeping house, but I am better at it than I used to be, but that doesn't mean I like it any better.

What's your passion?
Capturing a moment in time with a camera. A moment that no one would remember if it wasn't for that picture.

One kind thing you did in the past week.
I helped a gentleman in the grocery store get what he needed out of the freezer. He was in one of those little carts and was having a hard time opening the door and getting out of the way of the door.

  1. If you had the choice to live any where in the world and money was no problem where would you live?
  2. How do you take time for yourself when you need to recharge your batteries?
  3. What is your biggest accomplishment in your life so far?
  4. What is your favorite movie?
  5. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  6. Who was the biggest influence in your life and did you tell them the impact they had on your life?
  7. Do you believe in ghosts?
  8. Where would you love to visit, but hate to live?
  9. Do you prefer a mechanical pencil or a standard #2?
  10. What is your lest favorite color?
  11. Do you know where you are going when you die, and how do you know?

1 comment:

Mel said...

AWESOME!! I love it.

I'm glad you played along and boy....that was cool coming to know some other things about your and yours.
And even though I knew about the shy bit, I'm glad to hear that couponing has opened doors. Cameras will do the same for you--has for me (....LOL....but I am NOT shy!)

Awesome--seriously awesome! I'm glad you played!