Thursday, November 17, 2011

More thankfulness

I am thankful for yummy yummy cupcakes that are way too close to our home. I have never really liked cupcakes until recently. A new bakery opened up down the road from us. I now have an obsession about pumkin cupcakes. I ALMOST wish I had never tasted them. ALMOST.

I am thankful for coupons. Ok you knew those where going to come up eventually right. They allow us to help people so much more than I ever thought possible.

I am thankful for being able to go to church and worship with fellow believers.

I am thankful for having a warm home to lay down in at night.

I am thankful for not being completely negative. I am around a severely negative person a lot and it can be down right depressive.

I am thankful for having the kids at church to enjoy. I know they are not mine, but I get to enjoy them for a bit. They brighten up my world.

I am thankful for our friends. They always seem to know when I need a. Word of encouragement.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Ah......the ol' 'Debbie Downer' syndrome! I know this well. You're also wise to have those who lift you up.

And the cupcake.......ohmygosh, I'd lie, cheat and steal for a pumpkin cupcake with cream cheese frosting!
