Monday, November 07, 2011

My Thankful List

I wanted to do a whole 30 days of what I am thankful for but I am behind by a week. So I will just turn this into a list and add to it as the days go by. Some of these things will be silly, other serious, and other just ridiculous but it is what I am thankful for, and I have no desire to take these things for granted. These are in no order really. I just type them as they come to me.

I am thankful for my family. Yes, even the ones that drive me insane!!!

I am thankful for a loving and merciful God. He loved me (and you) enough to send His only son to die for us. I know that no matter what He is always willing to lean an ear down my way or yours.

I am thankful for my time in Awanas. I can not tell you how much joy I get from listening to these 3 and 4 year old's memorizing God's word. Trust me at times it is trying and my patience with them run thin, but the look on thier sweet little faces as they recite the weeks verse is a feeling that can not be replaced. Some of those kids blow my mind with how well they know there verse for the week. They inspire me.

I am thankful for my sense of smell. I am glad I can smell if something smells great or even if it smells bad (like at the moment my dog Diesel just passed gas AGAIN!!!)

I am thankful for my husband. He is a kind, caring, loving man. He works hard so I do not have to work outside our home. He tells me on a daily basis that he loves me and that I am beautiful. He is truly my other half. He understands me when no one else does. I am amazed that God gave me Steve as a gift.

I am thankful for the time my husband and I have had together as just a couple. We have had 11 years together with no kids.Now please do not misunderstand me I want to be a mother more than anything, and when that time comes, we will be ready. But so many couples get married then start having kids right away. We have this amazing foundation together, that most couples do not get.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Makes me smile..... I'm glad for the list and I'll look forward to more. I don't think we spend enough time focused on how well we've been taken care of. JUST my humble opinion--so I'm always glad to see a list of 'boy and I blessed!'. :-)