Monday, January 23, 2012

Living Beyond Myself

That is a hard title to digest. It is not all about me, the world does not revolve around me. Tonight we started a new Bible study. Its Living Beyond Yourself by, Beth Moore. It is about the fruit of the spirit. The 9 qualities you should have if you are truly living in His spirit.  Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (I will admit I got 5 before I had to look them up). I need all of these but it is that last one that I need a whole lot of, self-control. Really all you have to do is take a look at me and you will know I have very little self control or I would not be the size I am.

I was reading Galatians 5 and I realized that even though I love Christ and He is my Savior I have been falling so short of living my life for Him. I am nor abiding by His commandments is so many ways. I have been greedy, envious, short tempered, inpatient, unkind, and so much more. I need to get right with Him. I need to let my life go, again. I am thankful for the fact that nothing I can do can change His love for me. That He always has enough grace to cover my short comings. Thank you Father, thank you.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Yup--we get to inventory our shortcomings. But I'm of the belief that He'd like a little celebration of who we ARE today, cuz it ain't who we used to be. We're just not done growing yet.

Oh, that surrender to His will is a daily affair.....sometimes multiple times in an hour. LOL I ain't done growing yet either! ;-)