Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Surprise Valentines Date

Hubby and I celebrated Valentines day on Saturday. Really he surprised me with the plans. I thought I was going to spend the day (Saturday) alone because I thought he had to work. Imagine my surprise when I found out I got to spend the day with him. That morning he made breakfast. Afterwards cleaning up the house a bit. Then I had some errands to run. Items to hunt down cause there are free, but they are sold out everywhere. Darn couponers. Anyway I started to get dressed after a shower and hubby came into the closet and said, "Why don't you wear something pretty today?" I started to think he was tired of my comfy gray pants. I was like why? We are only going to a couple of stores. He said, " I just want you to look pretty today." I ask him I don't always look pretty? I tell you I married a smart man. He said, " you look beautiful everyday but I want you to look extra beautiful today." OK, fine as I was figuring out what to wear I can tell he is looking for something. He is looking in every drawer in the bathroom. Baby, what are you looking for? He says your Chi, I couldn't get you an appointment to have your hair fixed so I figured I would do it. ( Now mind you he has a real talent to straighten my hair). Now I know something is up. I just know he is tired of me looking like a rag muffin with head full of frizzy curly hair. As     he sits me down he hands me my make up box and says, " I will let you put your make up on so you don't look funny. Finally, I asked what is going on? What do you have up your sleeve? Well at that time he told me we had reservations somewhere at 7pm. Also whenever I was finished getting ready we would be heading to down town Ft. Worth to do some shopping and kill time till 7. 

About 5:30 he tells me what our reservations are for, a comedy club. Let me tell you we had a blast. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. After the show was over we stayed at the theater because they have a small sports bar/ club also. We watched people sing karaoke. Hubby tired to get me up to sing but nope was not happening. We also played a game of pool, with no chalk, or a ball rack thing. Um, ya know the triangle thing you put the balls in ,yeah that thing. So we left and went bar hopping. Mind you it was COLD. I froze but, we had fun. We ended up going to the stock yards. We were going to go to Billy Bobs but that place was packed out. So we found a hole in the wall bar to settle in to for a while. Just playing pool. Hubby in his wilder days was a pool shark. He can play some pool. Me I suck, but he lets me win often.  It was so good to cut loose and have a great night together out and about. Here are two pictures of us before we left the house on Saturday.

Thanks again baby for the awesome time you are way too good to me.
 I love you with all of my heart.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Awwwwwww.....what an awesome Valentine! And what a sweetheart of a fella. And talk about a trusting relationship! LOL I wouldn't let him-who-owns-no-hair near me with a hot straightener...LOL NOT on a dime!! ;-)

I'm glad he wowed you with his plans. He's goooooooood!