Thursday, May 03, 2012

Two Great Weekends in a Row

Hubby was once again on vacation. We were going to go to San Antonio for a friends wedding, but all of our extra money went to repair the car so the trip was out. We got all 50  of our fence posts put up. We also got to spend some time with our family. We had our 15 month old niece while her parents were in Vegas for their anniversary. It was fun, but when she left I was really really tired. They are really cute at that age but man they are everywhere.

This last weekend my sister's hubby threw her a surprise party for her 40th birthday. I went over on Friday afternoon with my Mom. We had a blast Friday night. We spent the evening outside in the sister's backyard listening to music and laughing. My two nephews where there. This was the first time in a long while that I had been able to spend time with them. They are 19 and 17. I am amazed at how much the 19 year old has grown up in the last year. He is no longer a bratty teenager. He is becoming a wonderful young man, who has a faith in God that inspires me to grow my own. He is in his first year of college.  The boys were actually nice to one another. That was a shock to me. The 17 year old is just finishing up his sophomore year of high school. He has a SUV with speakers you can hear a mile away. His Mom was proud to tell me that he had gotten rid of all his rap cds, and replaced them with christian rap. Both of those boys, well young men really, amazed me with there faith, their knowledge, their passion for Christ. I cried a little. I am so proud of both of them. Where did the time go?

On Saturday we watch the younger boy at football practice, then got the house ready for the party while the Sister's hubby kept her busy with other things. My Mom, the boys, and I cleaned the house and decorated it. My Brother and his wife were able to come down. I was disappointed that their two kids could not come, but that is the life of teenagers. My Brother's son graduates high school next month. They are all growing up so fast.

 It was a great party and a great weekend. I will cherish those memories for a life time.

1 comment:

Mel said... sounds like they were wonderful weekends with awesome people.
And it sounds like the brothers have grown up well. Mom oughta be proud!