Saturday, August 18, 2012

Count Your Blessings

1. Sitting on the back porch hearing cows moo.

2. Waiting for lighting to appear so I can TRY to capture it on the camera.

3. Watching the puppies enjoy being outside without oppressive heat.

4. That our fence is almost complete on one side.

5. The cool breeze playing with my hair.

6. Yesterday was an awesome day with the hubby.

7. Loving life in this moment. ( that is not always an easy thing)

8. Watching both dogs try to catch flies
It is too funny.

9. Texting hubby to say I love you

1 comment:

Mel said...

That's quite the list.

Loving life in the moment you're in--not always the easiest thing for some folks to do. I'm glad that it's happening for you!

Ohhhhhh....and thanks! I'm gonna text he-who-plots and let him know he's one of my favoritest people!