Monday, August 13, 2012



Mel said... way........ Do you KNOW how long I've tried for a shot of lightening?!?!

<-- NOT envious...nope.....not one itoa......just HAPPY for you

<-- k......tad envious.......

Awesome photos.
UTTERLY awesome!

Jessi said...

Please do not be jealous. Seriously, I took 558 pictures and I got 4 with the lightning. I promise you that number is no exaggeration. That lighting is hard to capture. I sat on the back porch and just shot almost continually. I am proud of those 4 I manged to get. I worked for them.

Mel said...

*laughing* Holy cow.....I'm not the only one that spends hundreds of shots for that ONE photo that I'd set out to capture.

WELL worth the 558......well done!

Jessi said...

No your not....I am just grateful it is not film......Very well worth it.

Jessi said...
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