Thursday, August 02, 2012

Pet hair Master 5000

I never thought I would love a vacuum, but I do. We bought this baby a week ago, and let me tell you I have become a vacuuming freak. It picks up Diesel hair with ease. I have not touched my broom since we got this baby. I have vacuumed lamps, shelves, rugs, the dog box, the tv stand and more. Basically if it had hair or dust om it I vacuumed it. I even tried to vacuum Diesel, but lets just say that did not go to well at all. He is scared of the noise. I did not hurt him, I used the handheld attachment with the suction turned all the way down. Not so much, oh well I tried.


Mel said...

*laughing* I can envision the face on poor Diesel--thinking that one is NOT confused with his happy face!


<-- has plenty of floor space!! Lemme know when you've run out! *laughing*

Jessi said...

Oh I never run out of floor space....just wait about 30 mins and the whole house needs a good suckin again.

Yeah there is no way too confuse that face with his happy one, very very different. I think I should make a video of this activity, but that means torturing the poor boy some more....who knows it could be fun.