Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday Evening Outing

Hubby got off early Sunday evening so we decided to head to downtown Ft. Worth.  We had fun, tried a new Mexican food place. It is called Chuy's.Oh My Goodness, it was so good.  We also walked around the Ft. Worth Water Gardens. That is a neat place. It is not a "garden" with flowers and such, but a 3 amazing water features. They are all very different. It also has a "mountain" that is made up of stone steps to climb on if you so desire.  Hubby and I both did not know it was there. It was a great evening to just stroll along and enjoying each other. Of course I was snapping away with the camera. Ya know I need to name her (the camera that is). I will think on that one. The circus was packing up to leave and we got to see some of the animals pretty up close and personal. The animals were in these cages, on the back of an 18 wheeler, but I couldn't get a good shot to show y'all. We also found a memorial for the Ft. Worth Police and Fire Departments. We are hopefully going back tomorrow because by the time we found this it was too dark to capture any of it, more on this special place later. 


Mel said...

Ohhhhhh....and ADVENTURE!! Are they not the most amazing things?! Looks like it was an awesome place and an awesome time.
This is the kind of stuff that we've grown to rely on as a couple--and it's great to discover 'stuff' together!

Lemme know what you name her!
Yaknow, I've yet to name the one that goes everywhere with me! Funny......I name everything and I haven't named the camera...... Hmmmmmmmm.......

Jessi said...

Since you take yours everywhere, how do you carry it? Do you have one of those fancy camera bags, or something you made? I am looking and I can not decide what I want for a bag for her.