Monday, May 20, 2013

Blogging by Phone

Sorry In advance for any unusual typos I am blogging using my cell phone.  We have no power at the moment and its
11 30 at night. Luckily no bad storms but really really high winds that knock out power. I am so sadden for the peolpe in Oklahoma. That was a massive tornado. Tomorrow we get another round of storms and hopefully they won't be to bad. We can use the rain, but not the hail or tornados. Stay safe and keep alert to the weather.
Maybe I can get this picture to load. I took it as the sun was satting this evening.

It is now almost 3 am and still no power. I have a date with cutie pie in four hours and have had maybe an hour and  half of sleep. Today will be fun.


Mel said...

These are the skies that massive storms are made of--what a disturbing view you had. Ominous and foreboding--and beautiful at the same time. I refer to them as 'mammogram clouds'--and they're the reason I'm grateful for a basement and a noisy box. Stay safe! And hopefully the power will come and stay.

Jessi said...

I think the power came back on about 4 30 am. Lets just say 7 got here way too quick.