Thursday, May 23, 2013

No Sleep, Too Excited!

I am too excited to sleep. Hubby is officaly on vacation and we will be leaving for the first part of our trip on Saturday. Tomorrow (Friday) is my Momma's birthday so her three kids are meeting up to celebrate her day on Saturday. Sunday we have a concert to go to. His name is Rodney Carrington and he is a comedian. Hubby adores him. I would post a video of something of his, but he is not a clean comic kind of guy. Monday morning we will head out bright and early east bound, loaded up and truckin. This will be our first road trip where I can help with the driving, that is if hubby lets me. He tends to always drive, I guess after always driving for 10 years it is a hard habit to break. He says he will let me drive, he says he will even fall asleep like I do on road trips. I say yeah right on that one!! I have seen him sleep in a car once, we were coming back from San Antiono with his Mom and hubby got sick right before we headed home so his Mom was driving and hubby slept the whole way. That is it one time in almost 13 years. Anyways....The final count down is on.

 You know I am really going to miss the dogs this week. Our niece and her hubby are house/dog sitting for us while we are gone.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Ohhhhhh!! VACATION TIME!!!!

Yeah for you and him!
Breaks from driving will be good--I'm the main driver for road trips. I'm a better distance driver, I fare better with the signs (notsomuch the legal resident alien!) and I get to pull over any time I want.....for picture taking purposes, of course. WANNA help drive--trust me!

Happy Birthday to the mom!!
Safe journey for you and yours!