Sunday, June 09, 2013

Oak Alley

This is a view from the road to the house.

We toured this beautiful plantation home on vacation. This plantation is famous for the alley of oaks that lead from the front door down the path and to the River Road in front of the house. These trees are planted 80 feet apart and they are at least 100 years older than the house. The trees are believed to be planted between 1725 and 1750.

This is a view from the house to the road.

Slaves would boil the sugarcane in these large kettles to make molasses. 

This is what the slave quarters looked like. They are double sided and a family of 5 slept in each side. These things are tiny on the inside. These are really like an efficiency apartment.
and the other side

One side of the room

1 comment:

Mel said...

Wow. The canopy from the oaks is fantastic. What a lovely walk that must have been. And what cramped living quarters--five crammed into one small space. I can't imagine.