Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cancer can go F$&@ itself!!!

I HATE CANCER!!! It has taken my father, my uncle, and now it is taking my Grandfather. Weeks....that is what the doctors say...The man who has lived through having his part of this ear bitten off in a bar fight, a recovering alcoholic, a finger shortened by a knuckle has weeks to live because of cancer. A man who lost was so lost yet God found him and turned His life around in an amazing way. A man who is my last blood connection to my father. A man who pulled me around in a John Deere mower wagon as he cut the grass. He is the only one left who still calls me Jessie. My heart. Is breaking and I cant stand this pain. 

1 comment:

Mel said...

*huge hugs*
I am so sorry.
*sigh* There are no words to make it better. Just a heart that shares the same sentiments and hopes for you and your grandfather to an opportunity to make some loving, joyous memories that you can hold on to and that he can take with him into the next part of his journey. You'll both be in my prayers.