Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First Day

Today was my first day at work. It went well, but I felt old. Most of the people I was training with had recently graduated high school. (like in May) That is OK though. We really did not do much, just watched videos and talked about safety asset protection and all that kind of fun stuff. My brain is mush and I am dragging barely staying awake to wake the hubby for work and make sure he is fed. I get tomorrow off and then go back on Thursday.  (Thirsdat this is what I typed by accident. Spell check could not even figure out what I meant on that one.) I think I am going to enjoy this. But I will miss my hubby a lot. We are not used to being apart this often anymore. I am trying to get my days off to match his, but I do not know if that is going to happen right off the bat.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Had to laugh at word check not recognizing Thirsdat, I woulda! LOL

Congratulations! Yep, it'll feel odd and undoubtedly will be a bit of an adjustment for both of you, but I'm thinking the two of you are stronger than the hours that separate.