Thursday, January 30, 2014

Yep, I'm still around.

Hey, Hey,

How is it going? It has been awhile. Life has been good, for the most part. The job is good, but it makes me miss the hubby a lot. Often times we are like ships passing in the night.

When I started working we quickly found that I needed a car. Hubby's Mom was nice enough to let us borrow her truck til we could get a down payment together. What we found was a Jeep. And I love it. This picture was taken during our ice storm. This part of Texas closed down completely. You can not see them but the hubby surprised me with pink windshield wipers.

Just before Thanksgiving my Papa passed away. We knew it was coming, but it is still so hard to say goodbye. Yet, I know that his reunion with my Dad and Uncle (his two boys) was a happy one.

Needless to say Thanksgiving was a quite Holiday for us. One of the bright spots of the holiday was that Hubby's sister came to visit, and she brought her new little bundle of joy with her. He is about four months old now. He is just a darling little guy.

We also found out that we are expecting two more little bundles soon. Both of them belong to our nieces. One of them we were not thrilled about because of her age, but everyone makes mistakes. She is only 16. But the great news is she is going to be able to finish school before the baby is born. 

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