Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Daily Devotions ~ Laboring Not in Vain

Then the Lord said to him,"This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isac, and Jacob...I have let you see it with your own eyes, but you will not cross over into it." Deuteronomy 34:4 NIV

When W.P.L. Mackay was seventeen, he left his humble Scottish home to attend college. His mother gave him a Bible in which she wrote his name and a verse of Scripture. Unfortunately, college was the beginning of a downhill slide for him. At one point, he pawned the Bible to get money for whiskey. However, his mother continued to pray for him until she died.

Eventually, Mackay became a doctor. While working in a hospital he encounter a dying patient who repeatedly asked fro his"book." After the man died, Mackay  searched the hospital room to find what book it was that had been so important to him. He was surprised to find the very Bible he had once pawned!

Mackay took the Bible back to his office and stared at the familiar writing of his mother. He thumbed through the pages, reading the many verses his mother had underscored in hopes her son might heed them in his life. After many hours of reading and reflection, Mackay prayed to God for mercy. The physician later became a minister, and then the Book he had treated so callously became his most precious possession.

You may not live to see how your children will "turn out". But you can trust that nothing you do for thier spirtual wholeness will be in vain! If you turn your children over to the Lord in prayer, you can rest in the knowledge that they will always be in His hands.

Every mother is like Moses. She does not enter the promised land. 
She prepares a world she will not see.

This is from God's Little Daily Devotional

1 comment:

Mel said...

And this....made me shiver. Amazing story of how that book found its way to where it belonged....as did he.