Wednesday, April 06, 2011

A Surprise Conversation and a Surprise Longing Arises as a Result

I just talked to my brother. I do not hear from him very often. I know it is a two way street. I can call just as easily as he can but we have never been close.  It was nice to chat with him though. He wished me a very belated birthday. He complained about his kids annoying him. I told him your lucky to have them, enjoy them while they are still at home. His oldest will be 18 this year.

Please enjoy your kids. Your world would be so different if you did not have them. Take it from one who knows about not having kids, and really wanting them. I know they can be frustrating and infuriating at times, but remember the joy they bring you, the moments you can not imagine not having lived. I want a child so bad. So many do not realize the gift God has given them, and yet  He has chosen not to give me that gift. I do not understand why, but I hope that one day He will give me that gift of a child. I choose to stand on His word that He works everything out for our good and His glory. He has a plan and I do not know that plan . I am trusting Him, worshiping Him, praising Him and I will follow Him, even if that means no kids for the hubby and I. I will daily battle the feelings of failure as a wife and a woman, because you as a woman are supposed to provided your husband with children. I will daily battle the feelings and longings to know what it feels like to carry your child for nine months then give birth to it. I will trust my God. I will not let the enemy bring me down or fill my head with lies. My God is in control and everything is in His capable hands. There is no better place to be.

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