Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Count Your Blessing 1 by 1

  1. My God is bigger than my  problems
  2. My husbands love 
  3. Our marriage
  4. My Mom's love and support
  5. Having health insurance
  6. To know that worrying will not help this situation, it only adds to my stress level
  7. That God is already in the future and He knows and is preparing us now
  8. That I can crochet so I can keep my hands and my mind busy
  9. Knowing I can go to God anytime or place even if I have no clue what to say

Hubby is having some health issues... We do not know anything yet, but the docs are running test. The docs yesterday gave us a list of what could bes it was a pretty big list , but I only heard one word yep, the C word. But nothing is final, nothing is diagnosed, this was just a could be, but I don't like that it is in there.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Oh no.

I'm so sorry to hear that things have evolved for the hubby. The 'could be' lists are scary lists. I'll hold you both in prayer during this scary time.