Friday, March 09, 2012

A True Story

This is a true story, but I have changed the names to protect everyone. 

A Mother of 5 children is struggling to make ends meet. Her name is Amber. She has a boyfriend who has a steady job in construction. His name is Brandon. Amber finally got herself a good steady job working at a clothing store. She loved this job. Her life was going great. Life was just coming together for the two of them. They had their own place, and was working towards saving for a car.Amber decided to take the kids somewhere fun, the rodeo. She starts giving the kids a bath to get them ready to go and notices something is wrong with one of the boys. Her oldest boy, Phillip. He is about 3 or 4. She noticed that Phillip's genitals looked black. Not sure what to do she gets someone to stay with the other kids and carries Phillip about three or four blocks towards the hospital when she saw her sister coming towards them. She waved her sister down and asked her to take them to the hospital.

At the hospital Amber is worried about her little boy. She is baffled at how his genitals have turned black. It turns out that there was a string wrapped around his penis. This has cut off circulation. The doctors question her on how the string got there, but she does not know. They did not believe her, they called cps (child protective services). CPS investigates this matter and come to the conclusion that Brandon tied the string around Phillips penis because he wet the bed. They also came to the conclusion that Amber knew all along and did nothing to stop it.

They both went to trial. Brandon was given life in prison without parole. Amber received 99 years with parole.

This was 15+ years ago. "Amber" is my Sister in law. She wants to come home. She has served 15 years in prison for something she did not do. She recently came up for parole again and we found out today that she was denied, again. I have come to love her very dearly. In these 15 years she has been in prison she has missed out  on so many events of her life. After she was in arrested they (cps) took 4 out of the 5 kids and put them into foster care. The one that stayed with our family was already in my Mother and Father in Laws care. Two of the kids that were put into foster care were killed in a car accident. Her Father died in 2000, her brother (my hubby) married that same year, an Aunt and an Uncle have died, she missed seeing two of her kids graduate from high school, she missed the birth of her 1st 3 grand babies, she missed seeing nieces being born, both sisters getting married, one daughter joined the Navy (Little One), she missed her youngest brothers graduation, and those special everyday moments that make  memories of our lives. I have had the privilege of getting to know her through letters mainly. We try to visit her as often as we can, but I will be honest and say sometimes life gets in the way. We want her home and we will not stop fighting for that. If you know anything of the Texas parole system please contact me through a comment here or through facebook. Thank you for reading!!!

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