Saturday, May 19, 2012

Changes on the Horizon

Hubby has been unhappy at work for a while. He keeps hoping it will get better, but it is not. He went to a meeting earlier this week and was told he was being written up for spraining his ankle, a month ago. Hubby says it feels like he made someone mad and this is how they are getting revenge. One of the "big" bosses say it is not revenge, but it should have happened weeks ago. So he has started looking for a new job. This is a new experience for us, him looking for a job while he still has a job. Well it took a day, and he found one. A good one. He will be working with his buddy who left several months ago. This job will be a substantial raise in pay and a huge savings in gas, mileage, and time away from home. It is 80 miles round trip to where he works now, the new place will be 34 round trip. The down side is he will not have set days off, but he will be home more often. They want him to start Monday. He already is a happier hubby. He has a weight lifted off his back.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Raise in pay, less miles/less gas cost....very nice tradeoff. And there's hope that some sort of schedule will evolve for planning his days off.

Getting written up for spraining an ankle is silly--and that they delayed it for a length of time......sheesh.

New beginnings are good things! And the fella's happier already--double score! :-)