Thursday, June 07, 2012

An Update of Things

The hubby is so happy in the new job!!! He is almost through his first week on his own. He found out that he will have every Friday off which is awesome. I know one day off does not sound like much, he is off a lot more. Like today, he was home at 2 in the afternoon. He has so much more home time, works less, and makes more.

I have been so sick. I am finally feeling like the old me again. That was bad. My Mom got sick, and passed it to me. Don't you just love that. Not her fault I know. I am just glad hubby has not picked it up. Knock on wood.

Two weeks ago I did something I did not think I would ever do. I drove to Wichita Falls. That is the farthest that I have gone. We left a day early and saw an aunt and uncle, went to Dads graveside, and saw my Pa Pa. (He is Dads Dad). My Mom and I went to see my nephew graduate high school. It was great. I have to tell you I have some great nephews (3) and a great niece(1). My siblings kids blow be away. They are so smart, talented, kind, loving, and just great kids.

Hubby and I celebrated our 12th anniversary on Sunday. We did not do anything, I was too sick. We just relaxed at home, it was still a great day. The funny thing is we were both sick when we got married, so evidently I wanted to continue that tradition this year. It is hard to believe that it has been 12 years since we married. It seems like it was yesterday at times and at others it seems like I have always been married to him.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Awwww.....sorry to hear that you've been so darn sick--somehow it always seems worse in the summer months.

But congratulations to the two of you!! Happy Anniversary...and many more opportunities to celebrate!