Friday, March 23, 2012

Birthday Cake and Presents

Here is the birthday far. You never know what the hubby has up his sleeve. He brought me the cake and breakfast in bed this morning. The candles on the cake were lit. The smoke detector went off because all the candles on the cake. That made me feel great. But I enjoyed the surprise and the thought behind it. 
My crochet pen pal sent me this. I love it!!!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Awwwwwwww..........what a sweetheart of a hubby.
*laughing* What a faulty fire detector! Toss that sucker out! ;-)

Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to youuUUUUuuuuuu!!!!!

And for the record, I agree with's tough leaving the 20's.......there's that sense of 'getting to be a grown up ALL THE TIME' and it's rather painful. Or at least it was for me. I've given myself permission to hang on to some very playful practices in my.....*ahem* years and it's really helped me over that hump.
Oy geeze...LOL...30 is NOT old!
Ummmmmm.........110 is old! (mostly cuz that thought makes me feel better...LOL)
